Will the Aviation Industry Survive?

(3 mins read)

A question I have asked myself from the day I last stepped into an airplane.
Yet in my mind, it would be just a couple weeks off and we’d be back in the game.
Well, it’s been ‘4 months since March 23rd and the questions keep rising.
-When will we fly again?
-How many more jobs lost?
-When things go back to normal, who will fly these airplanes on the ground?
-Meanwhile, is maintenance done regularly?
-When will my next vacation be? (Because somehow, COVID-19 has stripped some of us of our annual leave bank.)
-The recycling of all this idling labour force
-the cost of COVID-19 preventive measures
-the mental state of [ex] employees who have seen their lives being rated as liabilities to a company they vowed to
-the plausible yet unlikely expansion of fleets all over the world.
The last time the situation was this critical was during 9/11 [to give you some perspective]
Now, where does the growth of my career fit in ? Some pilots were this close from an upgrade. Some had side businesses about to launch
and some, if not all of us, just really miss flying!

What we need to take into account here is, the future.

According to the remarks made by Alexandre de Juniac (CEO of the International Air Transport Association) at the IATA Media Briefing on COVID-19 held on June 9th 2020, the losses in the industry this year will be the biggest in history, with over $84,000,000,000 (I typed it numerically for dramatic effect) in 2020 and nearly $16billion in 2021.

The re-start of “normal” operations would require both governments and airlines to work together to universally implement ICAO’s (International Civil Aviation Organisation) new guidelines, and it could take them up to 20 years to sort out the differences.

More questions. Very little answers so far.

However, though the overall picture looks challenging to say the least, let’s keep in mind that the Aviation Industry is known for its resilience. One high season and progress is being felt. Two steady high seasons in a row and perhaps we can start hoping for Annual bonuses at the end of the year? (Ok this is slightly unrealistic).
Until then, let’s hang in there as we continue searching for answers.
And you know what they say, we shall fly again.

Lexical: An annual Leave Bank is a pooled fund of donated annual and restored leave. Eligible members draw leave from the bank to cover time out the office due to a personal or family medical emergency.

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Gloire kolobay

    I love you

  2. Gloire kolobay

    Courage ma sœur


    Je suis très passionné par la manière dont vous avez acquis votre rêve et ça été un rêve certain. Vraiment mes félicitations les plus spécifiques ainsi les plus bénéfiques.

  4. Dabire n.Dieudonné

    Hello! I love you Jenno🤍

  5. Aristote Mihigo

    L’aviation ce ma passion le pilotage ce mon rêve bon travail et longue vie pour toi ma soeur


      Je suis très par la manière dont vous avez acquis votre rêve et ça été un rêve certain. Vraiment mes félicitations les plus spécifiques ainsi les plus bénéfiqus

  6. Bakayoko

    Bonjour mon idole , vraiment je vous aime assez? Mais j’aimerais être comme vous puis-je avoir votre parcours et comment faire pour être pilote en côte d’ivoire. Merci

  7. Louange

    Good read! Thanks for sharing with us your views on this topic ! Let us know how it felt to fly again ☺️

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